SECRET NAPLES - Valerio Ceva Grimaldi, Maria FranchiniAuthors: Valerio Ceva Grimaldi, Maria Franchini
Titolo: Secret Naples
Description: volume is cm 19 x 10,5, 272 pages, many color photographs
Place, Publisher, date: Versailles (France), JonGlez, 2018
ISBN: 9782361952938
Price: Euro 18,92
Disponibilità: In commercio


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A wonderful private theater, the smallest “Museum of typography” of the world, the secret deposits of the National Archaeological Museum, the oven where the first pizza Margherita was cooked in Capodimonte, a skull with “ears”, the sumptuous salon from which Garibaldi greeted the crowd, a community of friars who has lived since 1976 in some old railway carriages, an astonishing staircase hidden in an ancient building, extraordinary old libraries unknown to Neapolitans, vestiges of a former brothel, a Hellenistic hypogeum unique in the world, a customised Vespa from the Second World War, remarkable secret private collections, a Greek watchtower in a theatre, a rare clock that measures the equation of time, the staircase of a building entirely excavated in the tuff, a raft ride 20 meters below Piazza del Plebiscito …

Far from the crowds and the usual clichés, Naples holds many well-hidden treasures that are revealed only to local residents and travellers who know where to step o the beaten track.

An indispensable guide for those who think they are familiar with Naples or who want to discover another side of the city.


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