Autore: Anna Kiyomi Tuck-Scala
Titolo: Andrea Vaccaro. (Naples, 1604-1670) His Documented Life and Art.
Testo in inglese/ English text
Descrizione: Volume in formato 8° (cm 24 x 17); 200 pagine; illustrazioni a colori
Peso: 0,65 kg
Luogo, Editore, data: Pozzuoli, Paparo, 2012
ISBN: 9788897083351
Disponibilità: NO
Andrea Vaccaro (Naples, 1604-1670). His Documented Life and Art is the first scholarly monograph on one of the most important painters of southern Italy. Modern scholars, particularly from the twentieth century, have often considered him to be a painter of the second rank, due to numerous works of uneven quality attributed to him. This book re-establishes the historical role of Vaccaro by concentrating on his secure and documented works. The author checks literary and archival sources and gathers them with new documents, which are published together for the first time. Catalogue entries and a re-examination of biographical data allow for a better definition of the chronological development of Vaccaro’s art. Stylistic and iconographical analyses link Vaccaro, in a prominent rather than subordinate way, not only to his better-known contemporaries, Massimo Stanzione and Bernardo Cavallino, but also to the cultural context of the period. Widespread circulation of Vaccaro’s paintings and their influence, especially in Spain, attest further to the artist’s critical fortune. New photographs taken specifically for this book are another reason why readers will find it be a solid and fundamental starting point for future studies on this painter.