Curatore: Giovanni Orsi, Massimo D'Antonio, Lucia Civetta
Titolo: Campi Flegrei
Sottotitolo: A restless caldera in a densely populated area
Testo in inglese
Descrizione: Volume rilegato, in formato 8° (cm 25,5 x 17,5); 299 pagine
Luogo, Editore, data: Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2022
ISBN-10 : 3642370594
ISBN-13 : 9783642370595
Condizioni: nuovo
Disponibilità: NO
The densely populated Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera is one of the widest known, best studied and highly dangerous volcanoes of the world.
This monograph synthesises the current knowledge of this volcano, through different review chapters. Each chapter of this book is dedicated to a specific volcanological aspect, authored by well-recognised experts. The volume attempts to cross the barriers between the volcanological, geological, geochemical and geophysical perspectives, and offers a comprehensive and up-to-date reference to earth-science scholars, as well as land planners and civil defence officers.
This monograph synthesises the current knowledge of this volcano, through different review chapters. Each chapter of this book is dedicated to a specific volcanological aspect, authored by well-recognised experts. The volume attempts to cross the barriers between the volcanological, geological, geochemical and geophysical perspectives, and offers a comprehensive and up-to-date reference to earth-science scholars, as well as land planners and civil defence officers.