A SOLDIER OF THE GREAT WAR - Mark HelprinAuthor: Mark Helprin
Title: A soldier of the Great War
A novel
Details: Volume in paperback, ‎ 5.31 x 1.58 x 8 inches; 880 pages; Item Weight: ‎ 1.8 pounds (Kg 0,850 approximately)
Publisher: ‎ Mariner Books; First edition (June 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0156031132
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0156031134
Condition: new
Price: Euro 19,99
Our best price: Euro 15,00
Availability: 1 


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Alessandro Giuliani, the young son of a prosperous Roman lawyer, enjoys an idyllic life full of privilege: he races horses across the country to the sea, he climbs mountains in the Alps, and, while a student of painting at the ancient university in Bologna, he falls in love. Then the Great War intervenes. Half a century later, in August of 1964, Alessandro, a white-haired professor, tall and proud, meets an illiterate young factory worker on the road. As they walk toward Monte Prato, a village seventy kilometers away, the old man—a soldier and a hero who became a prisoner and then a deserter, wandering in the hell that claimed Europe—tells him how he tragically lost one family and gained another. The boy, envying the richness and drama of Alessandro's experiences, realizes that this magnificent tale is not merely a story: it's a recapitulation of his life, his reckoning with mortality, and above all, a love song for his family.


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