Autore: Luciano Valentini di Laviano
Titolo: Abiti, uniformi e decorazioni dell'Ordine di Malta
Edizione bilingue italiano-inglese
Prefazione: Principe e Gran Maestro S.A.E Fra Matthew Festing
Descrizione: Volume rilegato, con sovraccoperta illustrata, in formato 8° (cm 28 x 21); 180 pagine; 280 illustrazioni a colori.
Luogo, Editore, data: Roma, Logart Press
ISBN: 978-88-87666-14-4
Peso: g 170
Disponibilità: NO
In the course of its centuries-old history, the Order of Malta has modified the Robes, Uniforms and design of itsDecorations many times. Around the white octagonal Cross, unchanged over centuries, a series of symbols has beencreated which is suitable for identifying the various Classes and Grades of membership in the Order of Malta.Symbols which have evolved with reference to specific historical events. This book is a helpful tool to understand thevarious insignia of the Order of Malta in the XXI Century, offering a series of close-up images to allow an easy com-parison between the different Church Robes, the Uniforms and the Decorations. A publication which will contributeto making the Order of Malta better known in terms of the traditions of an institution unique in the world.